

We offer three different technics, Traditional, Microblading or Ombre. Your eyebrows are the frame of your face. They either make or break your image. Your eyebrows can age you, if they are sparse, droopy, too far apart or lack shape. The good news is that Permanent Makeup is the permanent solution to your needs. It looks better than penciled-on brows. In addition, to not having the need to be applied every day. An arch can be designed to create an illusion of 5-10 years younger in appearance, Scars can be camouflaged, and sparse eyebrows can be made fuller. We have three techniques to choose from: Traditional, Ombre or Microblading. We are experts at all three.
Eyeliner can be applied a number of ways depending on the affects you are looking for. Soft for a subtle look, a specific color to enhance the color or your eyes, or for a more dramatic look, solid lines of various thickness can be created to achieve a desired look. Small eyes will look bigger or be given an almond eye effect. Droopy or sad eyes can be minimized, too! For Gentleman, tiny dots of color are applied, instead of solid lines.
Lips: Liner & color
The colors used for lips are very extensive, from soft browns to deep reds. Definition and fullness can be added. The line can be applied lightly for a natural look or more heavily for a more dramatic look. A perfect cupid’s bow can be designed to create sensual looking lips that will not lose their color even after a kiss.
          Have your favorite eye-shadow color applied, or simply highlight your eyebrow arch and or eyeliner.